Membership Renewal

To renew your Imperial Court of New York membership for 2023-2024 online, please follow these steps:

  1. Download and fill out the Adobe PDF 2023-2024 Membership form:

    2023-2024 Imperial Court of New York Membership Application

  2. Complete the form and email it to our Vice-President at
  3. Pay your dues online using our PayPal cart below. Membership dues for 2022-2023 are $60.00 

    Enter your name in the “Member Name” field and then press “Add To Cart”.  


Specify Renewing Member Name Below:


If you want to renew more than one person in a single transaction, click on “Continue Shopping” in the upper right corner of your PayPal cart and you will be returned here where you can specify the name of the next member you want to renew.  Repeat this step for each member you are paying the renewal dues.

When you are finished, just complete the PayPal checkout process.

If you have any issues or questions on renewing your membership, please contact our Secretary at