About ICNY


The Imperial Court of New York (ICNY), founded in 1986, is a 501(c)3 philanthropic corporation, having raised thousands of dollars for many worthy causes such as: God’s Love We Deliver, Hudson Pride, GMHC, Bailey House, Trinity Place Shelter, Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS, Thursday’s Child, the LGBT Community Services Center, CitiLeaf Housing, PAWS New York, Sylvia’s Place, Safe Horizon, PFLAG (Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays), SAGE (Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders), and the Ali Forney Center (a refuge for homeless LGBTQ youth), among many others. We also bring live entertainment to AIDS hospices in the NY metropolitan area through Hearts & Voices.

We do this in our own unique fashion, by producing entertaining fund-raising events throughout the year. Some are small shows and others are major productions, including our signature event, Night of a Thousand Gowns, a charity ball and silent auction held each spring that is the social gala event of the LGBTQIA+ charity calendar. ICNY also support LGBTQ youth through our Coco La Chine Student Scholarship. In addition, we lend our support to other organizations to aid them in their own fund-raising efforts. During the COVID pandemic, we turned virtual and continued our mission.

Our diverse membership, which is made up of people from backgrounds representing a range of genders, ethnicities and sexualities, assume the roles of Lords and Ladies, Dukes and Duchesses, Princes and Princesses, and an Emperor and Empress, and Nonbinary equivalent titles — all enjoying the “camp” and “game” of court and royalty while raising much needed social awareness, education, community outreach and monies for deserving charities on local, national and international levels.

But we can’t do it alone. We need the support of the community and especially the support of the generous organizations that share our dedication to these worthy causes as well as a love for the humor and high camp we uniquely bring to our every endeavor. Help us put the “fun” in fundraising.

The Imperial Court of New York is one of 70 chapters of the International Court System, which is the second oldest and largest LGBTQIA+ fundraising organization in the country. Founded by Jose Sarria, the first openly gay candidate for public office in San Francisco, the ICS thrives throughout the United States, Canada and Mexico. As our late Founder, the Absolute Empress I Jose, the Widow Norton would often proclaim: “United we stand, divided they will pick us off one at a time.”